Saturday, August 31, 2013

farewell to summer

Today is the last day of August. The last day. I'm letting that sink in.

Summer is over; the academic side of home schooling is starting--arithmetic worksheets and journal-writing, followed by a lunch of sandwiches and apples in the great outdoors.

The days are getting shorter, and the nights cooler.  It's quilting weather, hoodie weather, run and play in the leaves weather, and put your garden to bed weather.  This is when campfires start to feel good again, and hot chocolate comes back into vogue.  Hikes are more enjoyable with fiery-bright colors and fewer mosquitoes.

Apples begin to ripen, and there's a crisp feel to the air as the mugginess wears off.  It's time for cinnamon and pumpkins, and scented candles in the windows.  Time for the first fire in the wood stove, and all-day soup simmering on its top.  Pies and muffins appear on the table.  Sweaters, socks, and warm fuzzy jammies come out of hiding.

Geese sail honking toward their southern vacation grounds.  Crows argue in the high branches near the corn fields, and squirrels chatter over their acorns.  Leaves are raked into playhouse blueprints for living in, or piled on the trampoline for jumping in.  Cornstalks gleam golden against vivid blue skies.

As darkness gathers, so does the family, sharing laughter and teasing over a game of Uno, enjoying a book read aloud, or singing favourites with dad's guitar.

The cold winds of winter draw near, but fall is a song of joy.

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